I was only following orders” has never been a viable defense for wrongdoing, and it certainly isn’t now…

Sometimes, it becomes necessary to put up a fight; to not back down no matter the odds against you.  The recent “guidance” from the Obama Department of Justice (DOJ) regarding the accommodations they believe must be made for transgendered or otherwise gender-confused students at public schools occasions the sort of resistance described above.

Although described as “guidance,” as opposed to an edict, the explicit threat to withhold federal funding for any school that dares to reject the “suggestions” of the social engineers, reveals it to be an order – indeed, an unlawful order that triggers the duty of all citizens to defy it.

When a soldier is ordered to commit an atrocity, they cannot claim to be “following orders” as a defense.  They have an affirmative duty to resist and report any such order.  This concept is applicable to all those in government and ultimately, as a duty of citizenship.

This order of the DOJ is nothing less than an unacceptable usurpation of State, Local and, most importantly, parental authority, and if implemented, will meet the definition of criminal facilitation of indecent exposure at the least, and potentially, sexual assault.

According to Nebraska statutes –

Nebraska Revised Statute section 28-806Public Indecency

What’s Prohibited?

A person 18 years old or older performing, procuring, or assisting any other person to perform, any of the following acts in a public place where the conduct may reasonably be expected to be viewed by the public:

Class II misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment for up to six months, and/or a fine of up to $1,000.  (Emphasis mine)

Should a school district (or an individual school) implement the DOJ guidance, and a student is exposed to the genitalia of a member of the opposite sex, then criminal facilitation has occurred.  Should it occur among minors – which it will without doubt – then all those involved in implementing said “guidance” will have committed the crime of facilitating the sexual abuse of a child.

Criminal Facilitation: Letter

I personally have family attending schools in Nebraska.  Just as I would never tolerate a man using a locker room/shower/restroom at the same time as a female member of my family, I certainly cannot countenance permitting the same circumstance in school simply because it has been given the imprimatur of “guidance” from an out-of-control federal government.

I have sent both letters and emails to my district’s school board, Superintendent, Principals (of the schools my family members attend) and teachers, to be shared with all staff who might possibly supervise a member of my family at any time throughout the school day providing ample illumination of this issue and their potentially criminal involvement should this “guidance” become policy.

We at the Global Faith Institute stand firmly in opposition to this egregious overreach of government power and encourage all citizens to contact their respective education systems to make them aware of their precarious legal position.

I have included a copy of the letter I wrote.  Feel free to use it if you wish.  Just be sure to insert the information specific to your own school district.

This unlawful order cannot be followed.  We are citizens, and as such are free to defend our families from the predations of others.  We have an affirmative duty to resist and defy.  Now is the time to put up a fight.

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