ISRAEL in the HEARTland … A Success!

Thanks to all of you, Israel in the Heartland was a stirring, rousing and unqualified success!  We exceeded the capacity of our venue and the attendees enjoyed a wonderful meal, beautiful music and moving speakers.


Again and again throughout the evening I was approached by people telling me what a special night it was, how important it is to have a celebration like this in a world that is growing colder every day.Elly Gross, Holocaust Survivor and a couple of attendees

The warmth of friendship embraced the room, as holocaust survivor and world-acclaimed poet Elly Gross told of the triumphs and tragedies of her childhood in the death camps and her miraculous survival.

Understanding between nations grew as the people of Omaha learned about the history of Israel and her people.  We were immersed in Israeli culture as the night blended music, food and joy into an evening that will remain highlighted in the memories of all who were there.

Photo, right: Elly Gross, Hollocost Survivor, with two impressionable attendees
From left to right: Christian, Klein, Javoitz & Todd

Our featured speaker, Morton Klein, had the house out of their chairs with

ovation after ovation as he described both the dangers Israel faces and the
solutions to these thorniest of problems.  We are most thankful for his wisdom and inspiration.From left to right: Dr. Christian, Morton Klein, Mr. Javoitz and Mr. Todd

A full-house with fabulous entertainment!

** If you attended the event, please give us your review by clicking here or emailing us at Only through your feedback will we know what we can do to better serve our community. **

Stay engaged with the Global Faith Institute and our radio outreach Abraham’s Tent Radio Show (Mondays @ 4pm CST on KCRO 660AM/94.5FM) for details of upcoming events.

We promise you this…it only gets better from here!

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