New York City residents were treated to a glimpse of their (and our!) future recently when Egyptian journalists in town to cover the visit of Egyptian President Al-Sisi to the UN were assaulted by Muslim Brotherhood agents – in full view of New York City police.

The journalists were assaulted verbally and physically while New York’s finest looked on, deigning to intervene in much the same way a schoolteacher does with a recalcitrant student – tut-tutting and tsk-tsking – rather than apprehending and jailing the violent assaulters as one would expect on the streets of an American city.

In the end, after clearly committing crimes of personal violence, the attackers were sent on their way.  Not arrested.  Not detained.  Simply allowed to wander off, their intimidation attack successful and unchallenged.

One cannot imagine a similar response to similar circumstances involving gay men and bigoted attackers, or Muslim men attacked by Hindus.  A primary tool of Islamic intimidation is the exploitation of the risk averse nature of civilized western democracies.  Threaten to riot and watch the spineless politicians quail in revulsion from the prospect of confrontation.

This is the model by which Islamic enclaves have gained supremacy over entire swaths of major European cities, creating functional “no-go” areas where even the police will not enter for fear of sparking a violent reaction from the Muslim residents.  This results in what you might expect – the utter abandonment of native citizens who live in the area or happen to wander into the neighborhood by mistake.

In these cities, the appropriate police response to the assault of these native citizens by the Muslim immigrants (arrest and prosecution for crimes under the host nation’s law) have been forestalled by government interference in the hopes of avoiding a wider incident of civil unrest.

In other words, let them beat, rape and sometimes kill individuals with functional impunity, as long as they don’t start widespread rioting that will endanger our chances in the next election.

It is the height of appeasement, and the depth of civil depravity, all in one disgusting convulsion of fecklessness.

The behavior of these Muslim Brotherhood thugs on the streets of a premier American city is unacceptable, however the reaction on the part of the police (and presumably their superiors who must have surely given them orders to stand down) is far more disturbing, as it is an attitude of appeasement that results in enablement of lawlessness and fear.

When the law refuses to act, citizens will fill the vacuum with action of their own; the very definition of civil breakdown.  Yet…what are citizens to do when their government abandons them to the predations of an interloping ideology?

The individuals involved in this incident need to be identified, arrested, prosecuted and, if not American citizens, deported permanently after serving their sentences.  Tolerance of other views is an essential element of a free society, however such tolerance doesn’t constitute a suicide pact.  We have no legal or moral obligation to tolerate the advocates of our destruction and enslavement, which is precisely what the Muslim Brotherhood intends to do.

I urge you to send this video to your local Sheriff, police chief and Mayor, with a request for them to tell you what they would do should a similar circumstance arise in your city or town.  Prevention is better than cure, and in the case of violent intimidation, essential to keeping the peace.

Our future is on display for all to see.  What is happening in Europe – violent rioting and invasion-level migration – is coming here next.  It’s up to us to be prepared with the proper policies and personnel in place to respond appropriately.

This includes those we elect to represent us.  Especially those who we elect to represent us.

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