By Joe Herring

We are entering the final year of the Obama Presidency – or as I like to call it, “Obamageddon” – and his signature tactic of overwhelming resistance by sheer anti-constitutional hubris is certain to be ramped up to a feverish level.

His announcement of intentionally-vague and over-broad new regulations on gun ownership sets the stage for another of Obama’s trademark methods for usurping authority – enacting law by executive fiat.  As is his wont, Obama attempts to enact wildly unconstitutional proposals via the illegitimate use of executive orders.

In the end, the argument coalesces around the specific usurpations of liberty contained in the order, while the more dangerous component (the bypassing of Congress in the establishment of law and precedent) goes largely unchallenged.

Listen to his announcement at the link below.

It’s important to understand that this isn’t a legislative proposal, or a trial balloon launched to stimulate a wide-ranging debate.  This is the unconstitutional use of raw executive power to limit the applicability of a constitutional right to citizens who have neither committed a crime, nor have any real means of recourse.  As an executive order, it goes into effect immediately without review or input from the American people or their duly elected representatives.

Simply put, this is rule by edict, no different than the actions of a despot.

As this regime has repeatedly shown, when they are engaged publicly in one particularly egregious assault on our liberty, they are generally using the resulting fog and confusion to conceal other, equally or even more loathesome activities.

It is important to watch Obama’s right hand when the left one is waving something shiny in the air.

What other initiatives or regulatory crimes will be committed furing the dust-up over his gun overreach?  Broadening the scope of authority for the EPA?  Perhaps a massive expansion of the refugee program?  Or will it be the subversive proposal to criminalize as hate speech criticism of Islam?

HR569 is a proposal co-sponsored by, at the time of this writing, 82 Democrats in the House.  The text of the legislation is reproduced below.

HR 569:

Condemning violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States.

Whereas the victims of anti-Muslim hate crimes and rhetoric have faced physical, verbal, and emotional abuse because they were Muslim or believed to be Muslim;

Whereas the constitutional right to freedom of religious practice is a cherished United States value and violence or hate speech towards any United States community based on faith is in contravention of the Nation’s founding principles;

Whereas there are millions of Muslims in the United States, a community made up of many diverse beliefs and cultures, and both immigrants and native-born citizens;

Whereas this Muslim community is recognized as having made innumerable contributions to the cultural and economic fabric and well-being of United States society;

Whereas hateful and intolerant acts against Muslims are contrary to the United States values of acceptance, welcoming, and fellowship with those of all faiths, beliefs, and cultures;

Whereas these acts affect not only the individual victims but also their families, communities, and the entire group whose faith or beliefs were the motivation for the act;

Whereas Muslim women who wear hijabs, headscarves, or other religious articles of clothing have been disproportionately targeted because of their religious clothing, articles, or observances; and

Whereas the rise of hateful and anti-Muslim speech, violence, and cultural ignorance plays into the false narrative spread by terrorist groups of Western hatred of Islam, and can encourage certain individuals to react in extreme and violent ways: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the House of Representatives—

(1)   expresses its condolences for the victims of anti-Muslim hate crimes;
(2)   steadfastly confirms its dedication to the rights and dignity of all its citizens of all faiths, beliefs, and cultures;
(3)   denounces in the strongest terms the increase of hate speech, intimidation, violence, vandalism, arson, and other hate crimes targeted against mosques, Muslims, or those perceived to be Muslim;
(4)   recognizes that the United States Muslim community has made countless positive contributions to United States society;
(5)   declares that the civil rights and civil liberties of all United States citizens, including Muslims in the United States, should be protected and preserved;
(6)   urges local and Federal law enforcement authorities to work to prevent hate crimes; and to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law those perpetrators of hate crimes; and
(7)   reaffirms the inalienable right of every citizen to live without fear and intimidation, and to practice their freedom of faith.

Will the complicit and supine Republican-led Congress horse-trade passage of this bill in return for the rescinding of the worst part of Obama’s gun control order?This legislation mirrors its U.N. parent, Resolution 16/18.  Similar anti-speech legislation already enacted in Western Europe has resulted in the catastrophy of violence, rape and intimidation we see regularly on the news from the EU.

Who knows?  The important take-away from all of this is that the hits will come fast and unrelentingly now that the boy-king’s final year in office has arrived.

Pay attention.  Tell others.  Above all, don’t give up.

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