… cannot move from one without understanding the other

Past or future GermanySince the rise of the Social Democrats in the post-war era, the seed of cultural self-destruction in Germany has blossomed into a mighty tree, sheltering all manner of anti-Germanic programs, organizations and historical sanitizers – all with the same aim; to destroy the elements of German history and society that permitted the rise of the perpetrators of the Holocaust.

The attempt to control German society through National Socialism (Nazism) resulted in unthinkable death and cruelty.  The backlash attempt to control how German society thinks of itself in light of Nazism is less violent, but equally corrosive.  You cannot learn from a mistake you are forbidden to acknowledge and address.

Each generation carries the responsibility to teach the lessons of the generations previous, however, as the Left is wont to do, it is easier to eliminate the history than it is to explain it, or to learn from it.

Couple this ruling mindset with a society soaked in the pleasures of popular culture and a high standard of living, and you have the national equivalent of a blackboard and eraser, sweeping away history while the people stare distractedly into their smartphones.

Historical revisionism dances hand in hand with collective societal guilt, such as that harbored in America from slavery and Jim Crow, and the present penumbra of Nazi-guilt overshadowing German society.

More often than not, reasonable responses to past crimes are bypassed in favor of convulsive reactionary expressions of revulsion for one’s ancestors and the nation they built, as if all things from that era are somehow suspect, somehow part of a synergy of the past that led inexorably to the crime for which collective guilt must be borne.

This is not to say that we must dwell in the past, nor that we should excuse it as a product of a less enlightened age, but rather that we must examine it entire, preserving that which is good, while teaching everyone about that which was bad, so they may themselves recognize it, precluding its return.

Whitewashing history isn’t a productive or advisable means of addressing the errors of a people, or a nation.  It is a shortcut, much like cleaning your over-stuffed garage by throwing out everything instead of organizing it.

It is essential to understand however, this “shortcut” is by design, as it undermines the foundation of nations and national identities, enabling the Left to supplant a sober recognition of the state of fallen man (and the grievous errors of an unrestrained government stemming from that state) with a vision of utopian fantasy, that urges all to eschew their heritage in favor of a “new” “progressive” future.

In other words, don’t remodel the building.  Demolish it and start anew, albeit with an entirely different design.

The fruit of such thinking is playing out in Germany at this moment.  The reflexive intolerance of nationalism (the healthy, patriotic sort) has resulted in a bizarre circumstance that reveals a government aligned against its own people and its own best interests in service to maintaining the fiction of a society free of its past.

The ongoing invasion of more than a million Muslim immigrants into the nation of Germany has created a wanton display of incompatibility between the irredentist theocratic view of society and government held by the immigrants and a free society governed by the rule of law as it exists in Germany.

The citizens of Germany have demanded a shift in the attitude of their government – away from the immigrants and back to the citizens whom they were elected to serve.

To this end, some of the less deluded politicians have offered legislation to gain control over the unfettered influx of Muslims who have no present allegiance to Germany as it exists, but rather freely express their intentions to transform Germany into a northern version of the hellhole they fled.

Germany now has a new “Integration Law” aimed at regulating the rights and responsibilities of asylum seekers in Germany.

The law seeks to encourage refugees to learn enough German to be able to find a job and help pay for their living expenses.  Hailed as a shining breakthrough by pro-migrant forces, it is decried as a feeble, largely symbolic measure by the more realistic among the coalition government.

Will this new law plug the gaping holes in the existing policy?  To gauge that, it is necessary to first ask “How bad is it?”

From a piece published by the Gatestone Institute –

The failure of the German government to adequately document and direct the mass of humanity that has washed over their borders has left the nation in a very precarious position.  Nearly a half a million Muslim immigrants, from a part of the world where Muslims are steeped in the Koranic exhortation to place the earth and all that is in it under the heel of Islam, are now embedded in German society without any way of finding them aside from mass roundups of anyone who looks “foreign.”  A roundup of the sort, that in Germany, would be far too reminiscent of another, earlier roundup from the middle of the century past.

When a government so thoroughly fails its people, that government will not long stand.  It will either be replaced voluntarily, or through force.  Given the nature of this crisis and the self-imposed moratorium on historical context, Germany is ill-equipped to prevent the looming battle between those who love their homeland as it is, versus those who intend to transform that land into a place fit for Allah’s kingdom on earth.

One Response

  1. Thank you, Mark. This is a very perceptive, well-written article, like all of your other articles. It is very sad how the major portion of the populace of the west is “staring into their smartphones” and does not pay attention to the leftist propaganda that is moving the world in the wrong direction at an unbelievable pace.

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