The greatest teacher of all time, the God-man Jesus, taught this timeless truth in Matthew 5:43-48: “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate […]


Christ the Lord has risen!  Alleluia!  This truth is known, shouted and rejoiced over, worldwide.  This momentous fact of history, that Jesus Christ rose from the dead, is either celebrated […]


What good is the law if it cannot help a person? The law referenced here, are the 10 Commandments and in keeping them, one might enter heaven. It might help […]

New Year, new hope…

Every year brings its triumphs and its failures; 2016 will be no different.  What is unique for this turn of the calendar is the confluence of perils threatening our way […]

Perfect Timing

When I was young I loved to watch Figure 8 racing on Wide World of Sports every Saturday.  If you have never heard of this type of racing, it is […]

Merry Christmas from the Founding Fathers!

Many modern commentators routinely declare that the Founders of our nation were not particularly religious, going so far as to describe them as “deists,” if they had any spiritual inclinations […]

Thoughts of Christ at Christmas

As we approach another Christmas season, I feel that too often the one left out of the festivities is the One for whom the holiday is named: Christ.  There is […]


RADICAL CHRISTIANITY The primary season is about to officially kick off here in the United States, inaugurated by the Republican Party debate this month.  Remember, it is still more than […]

Reflexive compulsion among Americans

Eventually, you have to clean under the furniture as well… The aftermath of the murders in Charleston South Carolina last week has revealed a dangerously reflexive compulsion among America society […]