The title of this article are taken from a sub-title in the English Standard Version Study Bible (published by Crossway books) of 2 Timothy 3:1-9.  Given the state of our […]

Congressman Louie Gohmert

Louie! Occasionally you get the chance to spend time with a genuine, authentic person; comfortable in their own skin to the point that they can look outward without the awkwardness […]

Tri-Faith Initiative’s Vulgar Disgrace

Many of you will have heard of a popular program on the cable channel Comedy Central, known as “The Daily Show.”  While it has gone through a series of host […]

Conventional Wisdom

The conventional wisdom regarding interfaith relations holds that the only meaningful obstacle between a world of wanton violence and one of peaceful understanding is a means of communication. Nothing could […]

Obama’s Magical Victory Tour Coming to Omaha

As citizens of Omaha, we will tell the president what we think of his socialist, unconstitutional and pro-Muslim Brotherhood ways. January 13, 2016, Dr. Mark Christian [For info on Dr. Christian’s […]


Jesus was asked, “Lord, will those who are saved be few?  And He said to them, ‘Strive to enter through the narrow door.  For many, I tell you, will seek […]

Thoughts of Christ at Christmas

As we approach another Christmas season, I feel that too often the one left out of the festivities is the One for whom the holiday is named: Christ.  There is […]

God’s Righteousness

Paul the apostle wrote a long letter to the church at Rome in the first century.  What is amazing about this author, is that not too many years earlier, he […]

Importing Our Own Destruction

The cycle of violence is fed not by injustice or fresh new assaults on sovereignty, but rather pre-exists in the heart of the Muslim world, fueled by their fundamental organizing […]